Sunday, October 31, 2010

You know you are in fact 40, when someone
you don't know very well tells you, you may be perimenposal!
When you are now required to get a mammogram.
When you take more than a multivitamin.
When kids look at you like you are insane.
When you can't wait to go home because you want to go to bed early.
When your hair stylists suggests you do something about your brow wrinkles.
When every bone in your body hurts when you wake up in the morning.
And when you have to stop saying things like "Up top!" (with hand raised up), cuz it just doesn't sound right coming from me.

Sunday, October 03, 2010

More Rambles and musings

It is exactly a year ago today that I did this. It is interesting to me to go back and read that post, all the hope I had, and the feeling of not really having the sense that I belonged. I look at where I am a year later, and am amazed! I didn't lose my house, right now  I am sitting here looking around at my Halloween decorations I just found in a box and put up. My house us clean, for me:), and looking so warm and homey. My dogs are happy. I love my new job. I just love love being here. It was quite a journey I put myself on, but one I must have needed to be on to appreciate all that I have now. And one that brought me to my current job and new aspects to my life. I don't have near the amount of stress I had before. People don't tell me I look tired all the time anymore. I hear more that I look rested and happy. Gotta like that. I am not saying my job isn't stressful at times, it is. Last week a kid actually slapped me across the face! I have NEVER experienced that before. The kid doesn't have much language except what he repeats, so this was his way of telling me he was angry. What I love is figuring out what this kid needs and putting things in place to help the staff help him. The small victories are priceless for me. I am able to work more 1 on 1 with these kids, which teachers can't, so I can really make a difference.

Going to school, or really the homework part, is not going as great as I hoped. Mostly because I can't seem to find the time to sit down and work on my paper. Cher, I need some inspiration from someone who did this WITH kids and a husband! I keep finding something else to finish up, then before I know it it is already 8 or 9pm and I am tired. I just need to kick it in the arse I guess.

I am happy to say I love that it is fall. I am ready for the cooler temps., loving football, and am looking forward to the season changes. I just colored my hair to my fall dark blond and am ready to embrace my white-as-butt skin! Fall, bring it on!