Sunday, October 31, 2010

You know you are in fact 40, when someone
you don't know very well tells you, you may be perimenposal!
When you are now required to get a mammogram.
When you take more than a multivitamin.
When kids look at you like you are insane.
When you can't wait to go home because you want to go to bed early.
When your hair stylists suggests you do something about your brow wrinkles.
When every bone in your body hurts when you wake up in the morning.
And when you have to stop saying things like "Up top!" (with hand raised up), cuz it just doesn't sound right coming from me.


Big Mark 243 said...

I thought having your own kids look at you as if you were insane came with the whole parenting deal!

Chris said...

The thing is, I don't have kids. These are friends kids mostly that look at me like that. I totally relate more to the under 5 set!

Karen said...

Ha! I have experienced every one of those things, except instead of "up top" it's pretty much everything I say. Carey and I got them good with "shizzle." They thought we were idiots, and we couldn't stop laughing.

Chris said...

I'm also not gfunny with the 20 somethings I work with.

Karen said...

That's because they're dumb. :-)

Chris said...


Karen said...

Dang it, will you post something already???