Sunday, February 04, 2007

How many set ups does one have to endure before the right one comes along?! Seriously! Sometimes I wonder exactly what people are thinking when they try to set me up with someone. Do they even know me at all? Come on already! Ok, I know their hearts are in the right place, and the reason they are trying to set me up in the first place is because they like me and want to see me happy. Noted. But why on earth are they not keeping me in mind when they find someone to set me up with? Or maybe they are and I deserve the guys I have gone out with from Blind Dates, I don't know. I know I am not a beauty queen by any means, and I am not looking for the perfect looking guy, but you know when you get set up with a guy that you would not be REMOTELY attracted to, you have to wonder about yourself. Is this the type of guy they see me with? So, all my past set up stories aside, I will talk about a couple others later, I was set up with a guy that I went out with last night. My hair stylist's partner told me a few weeks ago, that he had the perfect guy for me. Now I have been going to my hair lady for the past three years. She has set me up several times, none of which have panned out. James, her partner, has heard me talk about what I want in a guy for a long time now, and has gotten to know me. And I have an open mind, you know, so I agreed to go out with this guy when James told me about him. I talked to this guy, Dale is his name, on the phone a couple of times. He seemed ok. Then I met him for dinner last night. He looked nothing like how he was described to me. He was barely taller than me. Balding, and had a handle-bar mustache. HANDLE-BAR MUSTACHE! Not only that, he was closer to 50 years old if he wasn't in fact 50. Seriously? He was nice though, so I went to dinner. Throughout the whole time I was with him, he swore like a trucker. He actually told me that his favorite word is the F-word. Nice. He also wanted to know what my favorite swear word was. Nice. He talked about himself the WHOLE time. I had to actually tell him to ask ME a question about me. Then when he did, and I attempted to answer, he interrupted me with another tale about...him. Urggg! Why do I even try to date. I have been set up with a cartoon-looking guy who was a workaholic and actually stood me up for a date because of work, and I was suppose to just understand. I once had a friend who tried to set me up with two different guys who were the biggest nerds. She, herself would have never dated either one of them for various reasons, but she thought I would? Should I be looking at this more closely? Maybe I am not very attractive myself, maybe I should be dating these guys. But really it's not just the physical reasons here. These are men that I have nothing at all in common with what-so-ever. What do I do here? I really don't want to discourage people from setting me up, because quite frankly it is the only way I date anymore. But I really don't want another one of these dates! I am so ungrateful, right? Sheesh!


Karen said...

He is there, buddy. I keep asking God to hurry, and He keeps reminding me that He has perfect timing. From an entertainment perspective (mine), you should keep up the blind dates. From God's perspective, though, I'm sure you're wasting your time. Just remember: He is out there, he will show up in perfect time, and he has been hand-picked just for you. This I believe with all my heart.

Chris said...

Yeah it is very entertaining, after the fact!:) I know God has a plan, just not sure what it is. So, I am going with the flow.

bobbione8y said...

oh, i started a big long reply and i just couldn't do it.

i have a list of "entertaining" blind dates too. at the time, i did not enjoy them so much. and i really don't miss them AT ALL. but i suppose if anything, they humbled me to see that alot of people are lonely and looking for someone to help fill up their lives.

i'm praying for you stromer :))

carey said...

Ah,buddy. Handlebar? That's not so fun. I can't really chime in here, because even I have set you up on some bombs. Remember Brad? Wasn't he so nervous that he drank until he puked? Actually, he is a really cool guy. He just wasn't used to girls yet. You're right. We all WANT to help. It's because we love you. Very much. Keep your head up, buddy. You're beautiful, and God is busy getting your husband ready. He just has to graduate from medical school first and complete the Iron Man Triatholon...

bobbione8y said...

oh heavens i forgot about Brad...and he IS wonderful! it was just the wrong time chris, don't ever think that you are not attractive :))

esp. now that you have the HAIR!!

Chris said...

I do remember Brad! At least he was easy on the eyes. I had something to llok at even though we didn't hit it off. I don't love puking. ;) I know it is a matter of time, but I can't help that feel that I am trapped in that bad date movie montage(spelled?)that just keeps going and going and going! Someday, these stories are going to be even funnier than they are now.Cuz, they are pretty funny.

bobbione8y said...

i once dated a born-again masseuse who took me to a hockey game and then proceeded to bad mouth his wife and make excuses about why he didn't support or relate with his teenage son, and in the same night manage to brag about how he prayed for all of his "clients" in tongues while he worked on them.

he was one of the good ones.

bobbione8y said...

oops, that was ex-wife. wife would have made the story even better :)

DeAnn said...

He'll come, Chris. I'm with Carey on this one...God is preparing your husband for you. It will only be a matter of time. You are beautiful and I love, love, love your hair. Remember, he'll come...

bobbione8y said...

Hey, it's february 14th and all of my single friends are in my prayers, chris...

God said to tell you He is madly in love with you :))

Happy V day!


Chris said...

Thank you Bobbi! Happy V-Day to you too!!