Sunday, April 19, 2009

The Downside of Facebook...
Is when people from work find you.
Especially when one of those people is the Chief Operating Officer!
I was very reluctant to be friends with anyone from work, but gradually I accepted a few friend requests. Then the COO asked to be my friend. I ignored her at first, but the second time she asked, I felt that it might not look good if I ignore her again. So, now I have to watch when I get on Fb, and sometimes what I say. I hate that. So now I am waiting for our CEO to send me a request. I've been told she is on Fb.


bobbione8y said...

oh. yeah. never thought of THAT ...

cherk said...

I had definitely thought of that. That is precisely why a leave all my head case stuff for all of you-my special blogger friends and say nothing but harmless dribble on facebook. Don't want any future employers looking me up

cherk said...

By the way when are you going to be an aunt, thought that was this week?

Chris said...

I know I know, I just wanted to be in denial Bobbi:)
Cher, the baby ended up turning after all, so the canceled the C-section. Now it is a waiting game. Due date is coming up though on the 23rd.

Karen said...

Oh, crap. That is precisely why I flat-out refused to friend the ex-w. I think that boundaries are healthy, and it would be perfectly okay to un-friend your colleagues. Just tell them that FB is your 'away from work' social outlet, and let that be that.

bobbione8y said...

hey! i agree with karen! duh. boundaries are a good thing, too bad she didn't realize that...

Chris said...

And why didn't I think of that??