Saturday, September 19, 2009

This song came on the radio as I was driving home from work yesterday. I had just sent in my resignation and was feeling panic, tears welling up. Then I heard this song. It reminded me that I am going in the right direction. A direction I have needed to go for a long time.

Not to say that leaving here feels good at the moment. I am grieving the loss of the dream I had when I first moved here, a dream that didn't pan out. But I gave it a good go for the past 12 years! I have just stalled here. I will miss the co-workers that always had my back. I will miss my silly chiropractor that thinks it is hilarious that I am from SD, said good-bye to him today. I said good -bye to my wacky fun hair lady who gave me wine as she did whatever she wanted to my hair. I told my former boss and mentor of my decision this last Monday. We cried together, and she begged me to stay. She said that they would even get me into another position, one completely out of the compliance arena. When I told my current boss, she cried too! I wasn't expecting that. I have been getting to know her style this past year, but wasn't completely there. I told 2 of my past peers, who are still at work but in different jobs because of the reconstruction of our department last year. One of them cried, which made me cry too. I have been doing a lot of crying. But I am ready for the new phase. I have 2 more weeks of good-byes to come before it is all said and done. I may go to my favorite dogpark today and stare at the beautiful mountains that brought me here. Tuesday, I tell the rest of my department. One day at a time.


bobbione8y said...

ah. i could not link to the song, but i'm sure it was the perfect God song that you needed at the moment.

i remember the night before i quit my job...the scariest moment in my life. i could NEVER ever have imagined what would be in store. and i wish i could say i never regretted a minute, but it was actually quite hard, for quite some time. i kind of cannot remember exactly how i did it. i think that is because God carried me.

let Him carry you, Chris!! He will make your dreams come alive :) i am proud of you.

cherk said...

I am proud of you to, rising up to the occasion of making difficult decisions in our lives can be overwhelming and change can be hard, but sometimes in the long run it is the best thing you could have done. Always remember you are not alone in more ways than one.

Chris said...

Oh shoot, I am so bad at adding in links! You can find the song on Youtube, from Francesca Battichli(?) I'll have to look up her name again. The song is called It's Your Life.

bobbione8y said...

i LOVE francesca!! great song! fitting for your new life!!!!

God-firmation, for sure ;)

bobbione8y said...

thinking of you Chris. hope today went okay.

Chris said...

It was ok, but now I can't stop crying. Some people took it harder than I thought they would. Some were very supportive. Tomorrow I tell my teachers.

carey said...

how is it all going??? i'm thinking of you. call me if you need to talk.