Sunday, April 26, 2009

It is sooooo on! I can't believe how excited about this I am, I hate push ups! But I am feeling very motivated, and I need your support to keep this up. So, I am inviting you all to participate &/or cheer me on! I know Carey & Karen have already started, but I want to make my official entry into the contest tomorrow, Monday. I will post my progress everyday, all I ask from you is please don't let me get discouraged. Help keep me going!! I also signed up for belly tips on how to tone my flab. Awesome arms & toned tummy here I come!


Karen said...

Um, did you look at your last post??


Tomorrow is the big day!

cherk said...

How awesome for you, keep us posted. Where is it that you are logging it at?

Chris said...


Karen- I suck! What did I do??

carey said...

good for you! i had to do the last day of week three over again because i couldn't max out at the number they wanted me to max out at, but i did it over again and had no problem. i guess the key is to keep going, even if you have to have "do overs"