Tuesday, January 01, 2008

I thought I would start out my New Year with some resolutions that I soooo want to keep! We will see where they take me:
1. The ever popular main goal: lose 10 pounds. To do that I plan to get back into better portion control; eat more fruits and veges; check out videos of yoga and Pilate's; more exercise with the poochies. I plan on losing a pound a week.
2. To give up more control to God. My life needs to be more about what he wants for me. I am getting there already, but I still have a lot of work left to go. Less about me, and more about what he wants for me.
3. Make friends. Also going in the right direction here, but I really want this/need this to happen.
4. Make my coffee dream come true. This also needs to happen in steps, but I need to really step it up. First step, get a part time job in a Coffee House. Finish writing my business plan. Sign up for Chamber of Commerce Business class.
5. Keep in better contact with close friends. All my really dear friends are far away. I want to make it more of a priority to keep up with their lives. I never want to lose contact with the people that mean so much to me, and would love to reconnect with others I haven't talked to in years.
There you have it. And they are in writing so I can reflect on them often. These goals mean a lot to me, and I don't want them to slide. I hope to update my progress periodically on my blog. For your enjoyment of coarse!:) May this year be good to us all, and full of great surprises!


cherk said...

yOkay, I am going to blame you. I am totally hooked on this blog thing! I am inspired to do something but, wow it looks overwhelming and all of you have done such a good job! I have blown off 2 hours just sitting here and reading, reading, reading!


Chris said...

I know right!? It's awesome. This is what I do with much of my free time also. I usually only writeonce a week, but some of my blog friends write once a day. It can be overwhelming at first, but very addictive. I hope you start writing one. Tell me when you do.

bobbione8y said...

happy new year Chris!
one day at a time i say!!!

oh. btw, i second all of your resolutions, they are very doable and good :) keep us in the loop on them...

oh, hi cher :) welcome to our little land of blogs!

Karen said...

I am so proud of the person God is making in you! You're going to have your best year yet, I just know it. :-)

carey said...

hey buddy. i'm back :) i share many of your resolutions, they are all good ones. let's pray for a really great year. love you!